The Player Controls

The Player is used for animations in PresenZ, and is currently only available on request.

The Controls in the desktop view are as following:

  • F1 = Show key hints

  • F2 = Show control panel

  • F3 = Show extra control panel, brightness controller

  • Escape = Exit

  • Left mouse click = drag to rotate the camera

  • Right mouse click = drag to zoom the camera in and out

  • Middle mouse click = drag to pan the camera

  • Escape key = to close the viewer window

  • Space = Pause

  • T = Camera position reset

  • R = Camera height reset

  • O = Open file

  • N = Next scene

  • P = Previous scene

  • D = Go to start

  • F10 = Frame information

  • G = Turn 90 degrees to the left (CCW)

  • H = Turn 90 degrees to the right (CW)

  • K = Next frame

  • J = Previous frame

  • Alt = Single/stero view switch