
1. Download and Launch

You can download the PresenZ Authoring Tools from our website Once you have downloaded PresenZ for your correct version of Maya and V-Ray, you will end up with an installation .exe for PresenZ.

When you launch the installer you will be welcomed by the following screen.


2. Installation folders

The installer will request the location of your Maya installation.


Next, you will have to select the Maya component you want to install. Simply select Presenz for Maya, and click Next.


Please follow the instructions on the installation launcher.


3. Finishing the installation

../_images/installation_052.PNG ../_images/installation_062.PNG ../_images/installation_072.PNG

4. Remove PresenZ

If you wish to remove PresenZ ,or modify the installation, you can simply relaunch the .exe PresenZ installer and you can follow the steps to complete the procedure.


Enjoy your PresenZ VR experience!