Batch Rendering


Copy the file to the correct folder.

In order to do batch rendering with PresenZ you will have to make sure your presenZVrayRenderer.xml file is in the maya rendererDesc folder. You can find the presenZVrayRenderer.xml in your PresenZ installation folder which by default is in C:\Users\userName\PresenZ\Vray4.1\Maya2018\vray_plugins_maya\renderDesc please copy this file to your Maya rendererDesc folder C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2018\bin\rendererDesc.

Add a path to your environment variables.

Alternatively you can set up an environment variable in the windows environment variables settings pointing towards your PresenZ renderDesc folder, by default: MAYA_RENDER_DESC_PATH=C:\Users\userName\PresenZ\Vray4.1\Maya2018\vray_plugins_maya\renderDesc .


When launching your render you will have to specify presenZVray as the renderer. Where you would normally use the command -r vray you will use -r presenZVray. The following is an example command for a PresenZ render using a Maya file with a PresenZ camera in the scene.

  • C:\Users\PresenZ>"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2018\bin\Render.exe" -r presenZVray -cam presenzCamera1 Z:\SharedTestScene\MAYA_VRAY\testingPlugin.mb

  • C:\Users\PresenZ>"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2018\bin\Render.exe" -r presenZVray -cam presenzCameraTest -im "C:/temp/test.prz" -x 3024 -y 2016 -phase_mode 0 -multibox_offset 0 -1 0 Z:\SharedTestScene\MAYA_VRAY\testingPlugin.mb

For window mesh Rendering

  • C:\Users\PresenZ>"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2018\bin\Render.exe" -r presenZVray -cam presenzCameraTest -im "C:/temp/leftScreen.prz" -x 3024 -y 2016 -window_shapes_file "c:\Users\PresenZ\twoShapes.przWindowShapes" -window_shape_index 0  Z:\SharedTestScene\MAYA_VRAY\testingPlugin.mb

For more commands please use the Chaosgroup V-Ray batch rendering documentation: