The PresenZ Dashboard

The Dashboard is the viewer interface where you will be able to see your PresenZ images on your monitor or in VR.

You can consider it as a powerpoint interface where you can organize your PresenZ images, edit your images, create Multibox structures, and add Teleport points.

The Dashboard handles fixed PresenZ images. To run animations there is the PresenZ Player which is currently in Beta release and is available on request.

Installing The PresenZ Dashboard

You can download the PresenZ Dashboard from our website This will give you an installer executable, run this file to install the PresenZ Dashboard.

A window will open requesting for your install location. Accept the license terms and conditions and click in the Install button.


Once you have successfully installed the Dashboard, you will see the following window pop up:


You can choose to open the Documentation, which will send you to the PresenZ Documentation website. Alternatively you can select Run which will open the Dashboard application.

Click Finish to close the window.

The Dashboard UI
